Dr. Marcos Eberlin, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory.

As a (bio)chemist I become most skeptical about Darwinism when I was confronted with the extreme intricacy of the genetic code and its many most intelligent strategies to code, decode and protect its information, such as the U x T and ribose x deoxyribose exchanges for the DNA/RNA pair and the translation of its 4-base language to the 20AA language of life that absolutely relies on a diversity of exquisite molecular machines made by the products of such translation forming a chicken-and-egg dilemma that evolution has no chance at all to answer.”

2 thoughts on “Dr. Marcos Eberlin, member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory.

  1. From a pure academic concern, what I believe is that every scientist and scientific argument should be open to discussion and criticism. This is the crucial component of recording progress in scientific discoveries and making corrections if there is any misconceptions. In this case, there should be no hesitation or restriction on raising voice of professionals on this matter.

    When I read your warning on paying attention on signing this petition if tenure is not obtained, I felt like this is something against the followers of a dogmatic believe or political ideology. Are these people raising concerns about a religion and its prophet? Do they treat Darwinism as a religion and Darwin as their prophet, and

    These clearly show that the scientific community is biased toward the Darwinian views, ignore any scientific counter thinking, and even hunt those raising this issues.

    In this regard, I support everyone who risk their career for the sake of professionalism. Thanks.

    Dr. Abdulkadir Celik
    Post Doctoral Fellow
    Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering

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